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ARABAD NEWSLETTER October, 22 2024

Saudi Arabia’s gold rush


Ever since Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 was unveiled six years ago, the country has sought to create a progressive kingdom capable of tapping into its economic and cultural potential. That vision appears to be well and truly on track, with the kingdom and its communications industry in the midst of a gold rush as agencies seek to tap into Saudi Arabia’s surge towards liberalisation.

   As with all gold rushes, people and agencies are heading to Saudi Arabia in a bid to capitalise on the …

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Saudi Arabia’s cultural renaissance


There has never been a more exciting time to be a creative in Saudi Arabia. As the country sheds its cloak of conservatism and opens up to the world, a generation of artists, designers, photographers and filmmakers are helping to transform the kingdom’s cultural landscape.

Young Saudi creatives are flourishing. They are making the most of the country’s remarkable journey towards liberalisation to create a liberated and innovative aesthetic that draws on the country’s rich cultural tapestry. You can see it on the streets and on movie screens, in …

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Hardee’s ‿ and us roll out ‘UnAimaginable’ campaign

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Impact BBDO’s Ali Rez to serve as Cannes Lions first Jury President from the MENA region

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Mobily appoints TTP as its creative partner in Saudi Arabia

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Publicis Middle East wins Pizza Hut regional account

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