- Justifying the unjustifiable?
Iain Akerman
In a marketing and communications environment where ethics is now viewed as paramount by consumers, how does a PR company justify working with despotic regimes?
- When reputation produced growth
Awards shows are akin to a sugar rush and have little impact on agencies’ revenue streams or reputation, argues Leo Burnett’s regional managing director Kamal Dimachkie
- Advertising Awards: Counting the Costs iain Akerman
- Where now for production houses? Iain Akerman
- Good People: ‘We wanted the work to prove the naysayers wrong' Iain Akerman
- When Creativity and Crisis Interlace... Nils Adriaans
- Alain Shoucair : on a Bluetrain off to a Stellar Start
- Jean-Paul Burge: "We need to ensure the creative product works"
- Can Saatchi & Saatchi return to the limelight? Iain Akerman
- My Life in Ads with Carma Andraos Rik Corijn
- André Rizk on Advertising Jad Haidar
- My Life in Ads with Director Mazen Fayad Rik Corijn
- Blast from the Past Joe La Pompe
- Ali Mansoor: "We live in a human to human world" Iain Akerman