Dubai Lynx 2017: BBDO Wins Agency and Network of the Year Iain Akerman
Impact BBDO Dubai has been named agency of the year for the second year in a row at the annual Dubai Lynx awards, with BBDO Worldwide named network of the …‘I just don’t give a damn about algorithms’ Iain Akerman
The march of ad tech and the proliferation of awards categories are issues that the Dubai Lynx and all other awards shows have to deal with head on.
Dubai Lynx: Going for Gold Iain Akerman
Spotlight on the 2016 Torch Awards Grand-Winning Team ArabAd staff
ARIJ Holds its 9th Annual Conference Rana Bou Saada
Epica: Travel to the heart of Adland Tarek Chemaly
Change, or Don’t Pay! International Launch of Done! Hospitality Training Solutions Ghada Azzi
The Launch of AD Vitam ArabAd staff
Where the regional ad industry stands Mark Tungate
Getty Images Wins Clio Grand Prix Print ArabAd staff
ASDA’A B-M Wins Big at the Stevies
Two Winners from the Middle East at LIAF ArabAd staff
When Farid Chehab Speaks of Happiness and Creativity ArabAd staff
Inside the Midas Awards with Deb Ryan ArabAd staff