Pandemic prompts career transitions in the Gulf
Joyce Hallak: ‘What happened on August 4 was the tipping point and beyond what any single human can absorb’
Joyce Hallak, General Manager, Starcom Levant, believes in Lebanon and its people. This is what pops up from her talk, when asked to narrate what happened to her and her …
Sarah Araigy: 'What we built throughout the past four years got collapsed in one second'
A&A Porter Novelli, The Worx and T&P BBDO Join Forces In Cyprus
BCG Named a Digital Transformation Services Leader in Independent Research Report
For Christmas, French grocery chain, Intermarché, pledges to stand by health workers
Reebok MENA Teams Up With UAE-Based Influencers to Celebrate UAE National Day
AdFest Lotus Awards Announces Jury 2020/2021
Kendji Girac's Fans Experience What Two Million French People go Through Every Day
IQOS, A Game Changer For Philip Morris In Its Commitment For A Smoke-Free Future Ghada Azzi
The 'Museum of Independence' Campaign by TBWA\RAAD Pays Tribute to The Lebanese Army on Independence Day
Ramzi Najjar disparu, les mass media en deuil Elie Jabre
Hilton's 'To New Memories' Campaign by TBWA\RAAD and electriclimefilms Promises a New Normal
More than 1 billion people will have access to 5G coverage by the end of 2020