- Tony Wazen appointed CEO of Publicis Media for the Middle East region
- 2023 Dubai Lynx winners revealed - Publicis Groupe makes a great performance
- Publicis Groupe, ‿ and us, Sweetwater MEA among the tops in Dubai Lynx first annual Creativity Report
- Publicis Groupe Middle East launches a region-first programme targeting retired professionals
- Orange offers gamers the possibility to wear their African & Middle Eastern culture with #MaxYourIdentity ArabAd's staff
- Nadim Ghrayeb joins Publicis Groupe as Business Lead for Studio M
- Dubai Lynx partners with Publicis Groupe to host the Young Lynx Academy
- Greenpeace introduces ArzePay, a payment solution that helps prevent cedar trees' extinction ArabAd's staff
- Jennifer Fischer joins Publicis Groupe as its first Chief Innovation & Growth Officer
- An exquisite new campaign from Publicis Luxe for Cartier with Rami Malek, Catherine Deneuve and Guy Ritchie ArabAd's staff