- 30 up-and-coming creatives to join ADFEST's Young Lotus workshop
- Amazon MENA introduces inclusive leave benefits for new parents
- Netflix beats its own expectations
- Seven new members join World Out of Home Organization (WOO)
- School of Communication of Arts, Key4Life and Brixton Finishing School win The Creative Floor Awards Talent & Diversity Fund
- electriclime° and University of Technology Sydney introduce Grace Rached Internship program
- WINA Festival 2023 names Dubai as host city and Bogotá as the regional host city
- Wunderman Thompson Announces Winners of 2022 Helen Lansdowne Resor Scholarship
- Memac Ogilvy offers industry-learning opportunity to business students at the AUB
- Dentsu MENA ‘Now To Next’ Riyadh event designed to help brands navigate business transformation