Moiz Khan: ‘Creativity can’t thrive in negative spaces’
Posted on 2024 Jul,20

Get to know of some of the GCC’s best creative leaders through this specially tailored ASKED & ANSWERED questionnaire designed to learn what are top agencies’ creative kitchen made of. They come from diverse horizons. They trace their professional trajectory— where they grew up and how they landed in the GCC. Moiz Khan, Creative Lead at Impact BBDO Dubai who now moved to Edelman ME, listened mostly to his inner guts when working in Dubai came as an option. He explains what in his opinion makes the city so attractive for creative talents, as he also expands on the importance of awards and what happens when cultural diversity and creativity combine.



Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Pakistan. My father was in the military, which meant we travelled a lot. Ultimately I settled in Rawalpindi.


What made you pick Dubai? 

I was working with BBDO Pakistan. We had become the only agency in Pakistan to win almost every international advertising award. We're talking Cannes, D&AD, One Show, Spikes, Lynx, LIA; frankly, there are too many to name. At this point, I personally believed that I had to set my sights higher. I wanted to work in a different market. It almost felt like a calling and I'm big on listening to my inner gut. It's honestly smarter than me. I called Azeem Afzal, the MD of Impact Proximity at the time and he gratefully allowed me to transfer to the Dubai office.


“Creativity can't thrive in negative spaces. It goes all the way to the leadership of the country. Their initiatives in governance are so positive that they collectively create a positive energy for Dubai. It trickles down.”


How would you explain your job to a taxi driver?

This is a good one. Me to the taxi driver: "People trust you to take them to their destination right? Well, my job is the same. I'm the driver, the brand tells me where to take them. More sales. More love. More people talking about them. Whatever. And they trust me to take them there."


What makes Dubai so attractive for creative talents?

It's so simple. Dubai has created the capacity to harness the best out of creative people. Go to a concert, visit an art gallery, eat amazing food, meet people from 100s of countries. Every single nook and cranny provides an opportunity for creatives to harness something magical. Provided they're willing to.


What do you love most about Dubai?

It's so positive. Creativity can't thrive in negative spaces. It goes all the way to the leadership of the country. Their initiatives in governance are so positive that they collectively create a positive energy for Dubai. It trickles down.





How do so many cultures work together to create successful campaigns that speak their own language and fit so many cultures at the same time?

Dubai is doing what history has been doing for a very long time. Dubai is attracting global talent from across the board and the blueprint has been set. This is not new. Throughout history, some of the greatest inventions and discoveries happened along lines of open trade routes and places of prosperity. It's so difficult sometimes to understand how easy it is to work with people from different cultures. We just need to be open-minded and we come to realize how similar we are at the end of the day. 


Do you find it easy to work on campaigns that flex a cultural nuance truly distinct to the region, delivering the kind of hyper relevance that you may struggled to land in a western homogenized culture?

It is easier, but not at first. Like any new place, you feel like your greatest power, insights from your own country, may not be relevant anymore. You'll be a creative without insight. However, it changes so quickly, especially in this region for the diversity that this city offers.





Why do you think advertising awards matter so much?

Exactly the reason why the Ballon d'Or matters so much or the Academy Awards or the Pulitzer Prize. They celebrate the best of something, judged by industry peers. Why wouldn't that be important? In an age where average has become the norm, it's even more important to celebrate the best.


Your take on this year’s Dubai Lynx..

Saudi Arabia has shown that they are a city that's brimming with great potential. So many Grand Prix went to Saudi clients. It goes to show that the entire region is stepping up to Dubai and making things happen for themselves.


The one award every creative or agency wants to win

Everybody wants the great big cat. The coveted Cannes Lion.


Your top three awards show?

They all hold their place, but these three I spend the most time watching: Cannes. Clios. D&AD


One of your favorite creative projects that you didn’t work on that was awarded at the Lynx and that you admire.

Rumble for Riyadh Seasons. Granted, they spent a lot of money, but the storytelling and big idea is ridiculously simple. With great budgets, the biggest trap is in doing too much. They did not. They did one thing and did it so well.


Could you name a recent project you are proud of and think deserve to be awarded.

"IKEA: Don't worry you can afford it". For young creatives, it is the best ad this year to show them that even with a restricted budget, you can tell a story that the world talks about, and the consumer "gets".