Nassib Boueiri: ‘We carefully choose our presence in the relevant award shows’
Posted on 2024 Aug,03

Nassib Boueiri, CEO VML MENA, shares his outlook on awards show in general.

What’s your take on this year’s results at the Dubai Lynx?

We are very happy with our results again this year , obviously we always try to improve our conversion year on year.

The creative product in MENA is definitely something for all of us to be proud of.


How do you view award shows in general? And why have they become an integral part of the industry ecosystem?

Some award shows have more credibility than others and that is due to their judging system and mechanism.

They have become an integral part, as they recognize the talent and showcase the work that can be produced for clients.


Is your participation to awards something planned way in advance with a budget specially allocated for it? 

As far as our group is concerned, we plan ahead of time and we chose carefully our presence in the relevant award shows.

We do have a budget but the work for the year can sometimes affect the budget either way.


We have noticed a growing confidence and quality in the work coming out of the Middle East. What are the factors of this notable upward trajectory? 

Diverse talent and more local talents in key markets like KSA and Egypt.


Many believe true winners of award shows are the organizers charging exuberant prices for entering work or attending ceremonies. What’s your take on this?

Definitely !


Some agencies have a creative force specially dedicated to crafting award winning campaigns, mostly ghost campaigns. What do you think of this?

To each agency / group their own policies, we tend not to subscribe to the same.