Saymon Medeiros: ‘Dubai can be tailor-made to suit every lifestyle’
Posted on 2024 Jul,23

Get to know of some of the GCC’s best creative leaders through this specially tailored ASKED & ANSWERED questionnaire designed to learn what are top agencies’ creative kitchen made of. They come from diverse horizons. They trace their professional trajectory— where they grew up and how they landed in the GCC. Saymon Medeiros, Creative Director at and us agency says Dubai was always on my radar as a creative. He remembers how barely speaking English he accepted his first offer and decided to move to what he says is the perfect place for growth and development. He tells ArabAd what he loves most about the city, speaks of its magic, while he discusses culture and diversity and award matters.



Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a small village in the south of Brazil called Tubarão, or in English, Shark City. The "blue city," as it's friendly called, is beautifully divided by a river and curiously doesn't have sharks at all. 


What made you pick Dubai? How did you get your job?

Dubai was always on my radar as a creative. I was used to seeing all the fantastic print campaigns from Fadi Yashi and Kalpesh in the most important festivals, which caught my attention. Dubai also looked futuristic, fresh, and, most importantly, different. This moved when I got the call from Wunderman Thompson (back in the days before the merge), and I couldn't say no. I still can remember barely speaking English, but the ECD told me: No worries, Dubai is the perfect place for growth and development. He was absolutely right.


How would you explain your job to a taxi driver?
A mix between art, technology, and entertainment if I wanna sound clever.
Or a mix between meetings, clients, and presentations if I wanna sound corporate.
Or even a mix of passion, friendship, and laughs if I wanna sound warm and genuine.
Luckily enough, we do all of it while solving business marketing problems.


What makes Dubai so attractive for creative talents?

The multi-cultural factor the city and the industry have to offer. Working in Dubai puts you in contact with people from every corner of the globe. From Tubarão to Jordan, from Beirut to Oslo, we all have a common ground that makes the work diverse and unique. The singularity of insights and points of view make every piece of work richer and fresher from a communication point of view. Did I say the tax-free, too?


What do you love most about Dubai?

It would be challenging to name just one thing. Besides the multi-cultural factor mentioned above, Dubai can be tailor-made to suit every lifestyle. Did you come to work and change your career? You have it. Did you come to work and enjoy the beach? You have it, too. Sunny days? Security? Delicious Cuisine? You have it. Did I miss the tax-free again?





How do so many cultures work together to create successful campaigns that speak their own language and fit so many cultures at the same time?

For me, "Broken English" should be recognized as the official idiom of Dubai, and I can include myself as a native speaker of this idiom. And that's the magic about Dubai, isn't it? We all come from different backgrounds and cultures, even tho we find common ground that's unique and meaningful for all kinds of cultures. The singularity of stories and insights from Saudi, Spain, and Brazil elevates the quality of the discussion and, consequently, the final outcome. It's genuine, and it resonates with people. 


Do you find it easy to work on campaigns that flex a cultural nuance truly distinct to the region, delivering the kind of hyper relevance that you may struggled to land in a western homogenized culture?

Yes and no. The beauty of what we do is also what we can learn daily. Nowadays, for example, my favorite briefings are the ones for Saudi Arabia. They take me out of my comfort zone. I need to study, ask, and talk to people to understand every nuance, every word, every double meaning. A fun exercise I personally do is memorize the Arabic lines from our campaigns because, as the Arabic speaker would say, "This can't be translated into English."





Why do you think advertising awards matter so much?
In the past, they meant, "You can apply for a visa." Sometimes, it "hides" the ordinary daily job your agency doesn't wanna show off. Soon, losing relevance? This a question I ask myself every time I see a new award post on Linkedin. Mainly because it feels that the latest generation doesn't care as much as we care about them.

I still believe that awards should be the "stamp" that recognizes the efforts, craft, passion, and creative talent behind every real business problem. Nothing can replace the feeling of "why didn't I think about it before," and awards are the standards that set this beautiful "positive-envy feeling."


Your take on this year’s Dubai Lynx.

I'm happy to see more agencies and colleagues focusing on the real business problems rather than CSR and purpose-led campaigns. As Marcelo Serpa said once, "If all brands are saving the planet, who is destroying it?" We need to be aware and self-conscious that what we do is an art of selling. It can be an ideal, a message, but let's not forget, also a product.


The one award every creative or agency wants to win

Cannes Lions. A GP, if possible. But if your mom knows what you do, it's a win-win.


Your top three awards show

Cannes Lions, D&AD, and One Show.


One of your favorite creative projects that you didn’t work on that was awarded at the Lynx and that you admire.
Ring of Fire: A Tale As Old As Time, from BigTime Creative Shop – Saudi. The craft of this film is extraordinary. From samurais to Dragon Ball Z, colosseums, and cowboys, this promotional film demonstrates the power of entertainment to engage with people.


Could you name a recent project you are proud of and think deserve to be awarded.

The Unauthorized Trip, for Saudi Tourism. A simple but daring invite to Lionel Messi for an "Unauthorized" trip to the kingdom. Dated when he was scheduled for his PSG training, and news speculation about moving to a Saudi club was rife. This bold move got everyone talking about Saudi Arabia and allowed us to show off the stunning Saudi destinations. While the world was busy buzzing about Messi's suspension, we made sure they couldn't miss the incredible beauty Saudi Arabia has to offer.