Ramzi Raad launches online version of 'The Story of Middle East Advertising' to empower education in the region
Posted on 2024 Aug,01  | By ArabAd's staff

Following the successful launch of Ramzi Raad’s second book, “The Story of Middle East Advertising” in 2022, a significant development has taken place: the launch of the digital version of the publication, catering to the growing academic interest in the book across universities in the Middle East.

"The Story of Middle East Advertising" is a narrative crafted through the eyes of Ramzi Raad. Written in English for an international audience, the book provides an insightful look at the advertising industry in the Middle East and North Africa.

During his extensive tour of universities in Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates, Raad donated copies of his book to libraries, focusing on institutions with schools of advertising and marketing. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with educators identifying the book as invaluable teaching material for understanding regional advertising dynamics and expressing their interest in including some of its chapters in their academic syllabus.

Reflecting on this milestone, Ramzi Raad, Chairman of TBWA\RAAD Middle East and author of “The Story of Middle East Advertising”, explained: “One of the key observations from our discussions with universities was the scarcity of case studies from our own region. Students are typically exposed to case histories from the US, Europe, and Asia, but there's a notable lack of material that taps into the unique challenges and successes of brands in the Middle East. This is where the importance of the book came through, as it addresses this gap. I hope it serves as an inspirational resource for those interested in understanding the rich history and dynamic evolution of communication and advertising in the region.”

Drawing from his extensive experience spanning over five decades, Ramzi aims to showcase the robust communication industry in the region, supporting homegrown markets and brands that are trailblazing on the global stage.

Ramzi also addresses multinationals as target readers, demonstrating the available options that could have spared them from decisions that failed to deliver optimal results and led to incorrect labeling of a region with promising potential.

Raad’s book showcases a plethora of Middle East and Arab case histories, such as the pioneering launch of bottled mineral water in Saudi Arabia and the evolution of consumer preferences towards household products like detergents and diapers. These examples offer insights into cultural shifts and consumer behaviors specific to the region.

Recognizing the demand for broader academic accessibility to this invaluable resource, Raad and his team have now launched an enhanced online version of the book.

The digital edition of “The Story of Middle East Advertising” includes practical additions, such as references to media articles, books, stories, commercials, and campaigns, all available on the website for readers to download along with the chapters and reprint for research purposes. Additionally, visitors can engage directly with the author and editorial team through the website’s interactive features, sharing their thoughts, reviews, and addressing questions.

The online launch of “The Story of Middle East Advertising” marks a significant milestone in Middle Eastern publishing, offering unprecedented access to a wealth of knowledge previously confined to hardcopy editions.

Academics, students, and industry professionals can now explore these resources to enrich their studies and advance their understanding of regional marketing dynamics.



About Ramzi Raad

For over five decades, Ramzi Raad has been a leading figure in the advertising industry across the Middle East and North Africa. A regional pioneer, he graduated from the American University of Beirut in 1969 and relocated to Dubai. In 1988, he was elected president of the UAE Chapter of the International Advertising Association (IAA), where he inaugurated the region’s first advertising awards program. He has held several esteemed positions, including IAA’s World Vice President and Middle East Regional Director. Ramzi has been instrumental in establishing key industry associations and has delivered lectures on Arab advertising globally. In 2000, he founded TBWA\RAAD and was honored with the TBWA Founder Award 16 years later.

Under his leadership, the agency has earned numerous accolades, including being named Advertising & Network of the Year by Dubai Lynx and one of the World’s Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company.