A Super Bowl with little purpose Thomas Kolster
“Product, product, product was driving Super Bowl this year. Purpose and sustainable communication were left on the bench,” writes Thomas Kolster, one of the most notorious marketing experts in the …The Rise and Fall of Brand Purpose Saad Al Abbasi
Saad Al Abbasi, the Associate Director (Strategy) at VICE Media, shares his take on how consumer behaviour has evolved towards a brand’s “purpose”, the difference between what a consumer wants …
WARC reveals insights from the 2022 Cannes Lions Creative Effectiveness winners
Six key takeaways from Cannes Lions 2022 and how your campaigns can be better by Thomas Kolster Thomas Kolster
Thomas Kolster: ‘There’s a widening gap between brands saintlike messaging and people’ Thomas Kolster
An interview with Ravi Dhar on Advertising as a force for good Gijs de Swarte
In newly launched book, Thomas Kolster challenges purpose and warns brands to avoid 'the hero trap' Ghada Azzi
WARC Awards 2020 - Effective Use of Brand Purpose winners announced