Millennials’ Take on the Corporate Ad World
The increasingly corporate nature of the advertising industry and its focus on profit and share price is alienating young talent‘I get shivers when I hear or see her name’
Bullying is pervasive and often tolerated in the communications industry. What can be done to help stamp it out?
Toyota's new safety app comes as music to parents' ears
Advertising as a Positive Force for Good Iain Akerman
Viewing the world through rose-tinted glasses
The last acceptable ‘ism’? Iain Akerman
Daniah Al-Aoudah: ‘This generation is rebelling’ Iain Akerman
Advertising Awards: Counting the Costs iain Akerman
Embracing Diversity Iain Akerman
Don’t Throw the Baby out with the Bathwater Eric Hanna
Where the regional ad industry stands Mark Tungate
The Bad, the Good and the Ugly: in defense of an efficient creative culture Omar Boustany