Out of Touch: Readjusting to Human Contact in a Post-Pandemic World Christina Fakhry
The Unbearable Okayness of Everything Christina Fakhry
As Lebanon gradually apocalypses into the greyness of its post-revolutionary pursuits, a new form of corruption emerges. Not one that has to do with the abuse of power for private …
Retrieving the Free in Freelancer Christina Fakhry
Technically Claustrophobic
The World Cup of The Underdogs Christina Fakhry
Labaki’s Cannes Win Proves Art is Lebanon’s Firmest Weapon Christina Fakhry
On Lebanese Parliamentary Elections and the Art of Selling Words to a Population in Desperate Need of Action Christina Fakhry
Seven Resolutions Social Media Marketers Wish They Could Keep in 2018 Christina Fakhry
To Hell with Stereotypes Iain Akerman
Working Toward a Balanced Lifestyle Elie Aoun
The Consumer Is a Moron, He’s Your Husband Tarek Joseph Chemaly
Data Minding Dori Rady
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