Dubai Lynx names its Jury Presidents for 2025 ArabAd's staff
Edelman and Ogilvy star at the Luum Awards, the global festival for purpose-driven communications ArabAd's staff
Cannes Lions 2025 doubles its funding to create equitable access to underrepresented talent and underserved communities ArabAd's staff
Pitfire’s Box Art Program: how a homegrown brand transformed its packaging into a creative platform to support local talent ArabAd's staff
The One Show 2025 opens call for entries with campaign by Cutwater highlighting the competition’s edge ArabAd's staff
FEER McQUEEN introduces FEER’S: a coworking and coffee house like no other ArabAd's staff
A sense of purpose Iain Akerman
Luum Awards, the new global benchmark for purpose-driven advertising is open for entries ArabAd's staff
Riccardo Fregoso: ‘The benefits of award shows are indirect and intangible’ Ghada Azzi
Young Guns 22 jury includes two from the Middle East