KitKat Spares Technology a Break through unexpected film by Publicis ME ArabAd staff
Today’s society is too reliable on technology. Reliable to a point that when phones freeze, PCs goes moody and the dreaded rainbow wheel of death shows up on your screen, …Three Advertising films produced by Tarek Nour Communications with local culture at their heart ArabAd staff
We take a look at three recent Egyptian TV productions from Cairo-based Tarek Nour Communications (TNC) that taps into the local culture, an approach often adopted by the agency that …
The Evian Babies Are Back to Celebrate a New Way of Living Young
The last man to take the ice-bucket challenge ArabAd staff
The candid-camera staged Nescafé Cappuccino Italiano ad ArabAd staff
Khoury Home: The ad that Gets It Right for Christmas Tarek Chemaly
The Artful Side of Humorous Advertising
The Ha-Ha Approach Paul Banham
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