- Al Arabia set for its Dubai chapter
Ghada Azzi
Al Arabia has been a leading outdoor solution provider in Saudi Arabia since 1983. Recently it has announced that its UAE branch, Al Arabia OOH Digital Company, has been granted …
- Ahmed Al Sahhaf Leads IAA Saudi Chapter to Drive Innovation in Advertising
Ghada Azzi
Ahmed Al Sahhaf, CEO of MBC Media Solutions (MMS)—the commercial arm of MBC Group—and the first President of the newly established Saudi Chapter of the International Advertising Association (IAA), has …
- Climate activist Ana Hanhausen hosts a compelling discussion on empowering students for climate action
- Nassib Boueiri: ‘We carefully choose our presence in the relevant award shows’
- Mazen Jawad: ‘Awards need to be more inclusive’ Ghada Azzi
- Lara Arbid: ‘It’s a particularly exciting time for the region’ Ghada Azzi
- Fabio Silveira: ‘We do not “flood the categories” and go to every festival’ Ghada Azzi
- Ahmed Younis aka Fizo: ‘Saudi Arabia, a fertile ground for brilliant ideas’
- Aunindo Sen: 'That billboard you see? I made that'
- Frederico Roberto: ‘Creativity isn't really rocket science'
- Nayaab Rais: ‘I love the feeling of living in a giant mixing bowl’
- Saymon Medeiros: ‘Dubai can be tailor-made to suit every lifestyle’