- Lost in Translation? Why Arabic ads deserve a makeover (and Arabic copywriters deserve the mic)
Abdollah J. Zeynabi, TBWA\RAAD
- What the Prisoner’s Dilemma Can Teach Us About Pitching
Alexandra Richards, Gambit
One of the most heated and never-ending topics in adland is pitching. It is argued that the pitch needs to change because it is too taxing and emotionally and fiscally …
- ‘I Wish I Could’ Roger Halaby, Hanging Gardens
- How to grow new customers from seed data Terry Kane, The Trade Desk
- Re-thinking Destinations: The Uniqueness of Saudi Arabia Sara Faisal, Imagination ME
- The Power of Storytelling: Crafting Narratives that Resonate Nadim Khoury
- People want to follow people, not faceless brands Svenja Malzahn, Sumea Social
- Sachini Imbuldeniya: ‘Sisters aren’t doing it for themselves’ Sachini Imbuldeniya, House of Oddities
- How AI is Changing the Marketing and Advertising Industry—for Better or Worse Ghassan Younis
- The problem of Dubai is Dubai Mounir Harfouche, MullenLowe MENA
- Roger Halaby: 'My strategy is to increase sales'
- Dolly Saidy: 'Let’s produce responsibly' Dolly Saidy Makhoul, Mint MENA