Nearly half a million users were joining Telegram daily before Durov’s arrest
Gaza War: why has the ad industry suddenly lost its voice Iain Akerman
Communication agencies and their staff stand accused of remaining silent in the face of genocide. Why has an industry that is so vocal about driving positive change suddenly lost its …
The rise of localization in an increasingly polarized world Carla Dabis, VICE Media Group MEA
Optimism of Arab youth is a call to action to build a better future, say experts
How Art and Design Gave the Revolution Its Icons Iain Akerman
On Lebanese Parliamentary Elections and the Art of Selling Words to a Population in Desperate Need of Action Christina Fakhry
Ibrahim Lahoud on the Political Advertising Created for Lebanon's Parliamentary Election: 'Too Much Money Spent on Cheap Approaches'
Partisanship Across Media Yasmine Dabbous