Ads of the Week
Most Popular Ads on YouTube across the MENA in 2016 Christina Fakhry
What were the most popular adverts on YouTube throughout 2016? Here is a ranking of the most viewed TVC each month of last year as reported by Think with Google …Xavi Stars in new action-packed QNB spot by JWT Doha ArabAd staff
J.Walter Thompson Doha teamed up with soccer player Xavier Hernandez Creus aka Xavi to produce an action packed ad for Qatar National Bank.
Raffaello Middle East launches a genuine love story from the region. ArabAd staff
Yves Saint Laurent launches new episode of its black Opium series ArabAd staff
Khoury Home: The ad that Gets It Right for Christmas Tarek Chemaly
Kids these Days still Want to Become Journalists Says Reporters Without Borders ArabAd staff
Demco Properties: Best gift that cannot be bought Tarek Chemaly
Pulse-Stopping Beauty Spotted in Dynamic New Hyundai Campaign
Campaign to Abolish the 522
Yellow Boots Dressing the Streets of Italy ArabAd staff
A Review of Recent TVCs Made in Dubai ArabAd staff
Home is Where the Heart is as Lidl Ireland Launches Christmas ‘Homecoming’ Campaign ArabAd staff
Lebanon Calls Expats in Demco’s TVC Rana Bou Saada
How to Take a “Maximum Rawa2” Bath… Rana Bou Saada
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