Johnnie Walker's striding man has a new companion
Johnnie Walker rebranded its identity by replacing its famous “striding man” logo with a stylised woman on the label.Nike's Jordan Brand “Jumpman” Logo Cleared of Any Copyright Violations ArabAd staff
The Nike ‘Jumpman’ logo, which sports a leaping Michael Jordan, has been cleared of any copyright violations after a two-year legal battle with photographer Jacobus Rentmeester. The logo shows Jordan …
MINI logo gets a strategic brand refresh
Zenith unveils new global brand vision and identity
Emirates Has Lost its Place as the Middle East’s Most Valuable Brand to STC
Will Snapchat’s Ambitious Valuation Last Longer than its Posts?
A Las Vegas Education Chris West
Expo 2020 Dubai Logo Unveiled ArabAd staff
Coke Finalises its ‘One Brand’ Strategy ArabAd staff
Dubai Media City Gets a Revamp ArabAd staff
Reconciling Local Identities with Global Culture Fayza Bjayou
Brands in the Saudi Market Need to be Anchored by a Human Purpose
The Visual Identity of all Four Olympic Bidding Cities
The Next Global Cyber Branding Boom Naseem Javed