Industry Talk
Women's Empowerment in Creative Industries: Film & Media
Advancing gender equality & celebrating women empowerment in the film and media industry through the lens of four accomplished women filmmakersBlue Sound or the love of sound engineering – an interview with Chadi Saad Ghada Azzi
ArabAd talks to Chadi Saad, founder of Blue Sound to learn further about his company and what it takes to become a reference in sound engineering.
Bringing a film to life during the pandemic - An interview with Maria Ivanova Ghada Azzi
Electriclimefilms director Omar Khalifa on finding his filmmaking path and capturing the subtleties of human interaction
Six Trends Transforming the Media Industry
The Right Talent is Key to Outperform Competitors Tom De Waele
Working from home – An opportunity to seize or a dilemma to freeze?
A new Paradigm Shift for the Tobacco Industry? Ghada Azzi
The UAE tourist experience in a Post-COVID-19 World Kristine Pitts
Crisis Management and Marketing Communication Through Coronavirus Crisis Gaby Chamat
A new exciting decade for communicators Sawsan Ghanem
All Trends are Similar. What's Next? A TBWARaad Analysis
Nayla Tueni: ‘We have to be the voice of the people’ Iain Akerman
The Establishment Survey, a Premiere in Lebanon & the Arab World Ghada Azzi