Industry Talk
- Women's Empowerment in Creative Industries: Film & Media
Advancing gender equality & celebrating women empowerment in the film and media industry through the lens of four accomplished women filmmakers
- Blue Sound or the love of sound engineering – an interview with Chadi Saad
Ghada Azzi
ArabAd talks to Chadi Saad, founder of Blue Sound to learn further about his company and what it takes to become a reference in sound engineering.
- Bringing a film to life during the pandemic - An interview with Maria Ivanova Ghada Azzi
- Electriclimefilms director Omar Khalifa on finding his filmmaking path and capturing the subtleties of human interaction
- Six Trends Transforming the Media Industry
- The Right Talent is Key to Outperform Competitors Tom De Waele
- Working from home – An opportunity to seize or a dilemma to freeze?
- A new Paradigm Shift for the Tobacco Industry? Ghada Azzi
- The UAE tourist experience in a Post-COVID-19 World Kristine Pitts
- Crisis Management and Marketing Communication Through Coronavirus Crisis Gaby Chamat
- A new exciting decade for communicators Sawsan Ghanem
- All Trends are Similar. What's Next? A TBWARaad Analysis
- Nayla Tueni: ‘We have to be the voice of the people’ Iain Akerman
- The Establishment Survey, a Premiere in Lebanon & the Arab World Ghada Azzi