Industry Talk
- ‘How can we convince talent that there is a future for this industry?’
The battle for talent is being fought across industries and nations. Can Lebanon’s advertising industry prevail?
- On the challenges facing the FMCG sector in Lebanon -An Interview with Ziad Mahasni of FDC
Being the managing partner and owner of FDC, one of the leading FMCG companies in Lebanon, Ziad Mahasni’s extensive expertise and market know how sheds light on the FMCG industry …
- The Evolution of Lebanon’s Foreign-Speaking FM Radio in the Digital Era Christina Fakhry
- Lebanon’s FMCG Giants Quenching the Desires of Consumers
- TRACCS: The Trusted Advisors
- Noise Going Louder: Expanding to the World and Partnering With U.S. Firm
- A Race Where No One Wants to Come in Second Ghada Azzi
- Hanadi Dagher: ‘It’s not that hard to keep up with the big agencies and be successful’
- Elie Khouri, CEO of Omnicom Media Group MENA, Questions Regional Adspend Figures Released by Ipsos Iain Akerman
- Who audits the auditor? Iain Akerman
- Ramsay Najjar on Effective Political Campaigning
- Production Industry: Back to the Future Iain Akerman
- its. Rolling Out its Stories
- Choosing a PR Specialist is Not as Simple as ABC Bahaa Fatairy