Industry Talk
- Media Transparency in Murky Waters
Iain Akerman
With print audits being cancelled and TV people meters no longer operating, is transparency within traditional media a pipe dream?
- Where now for MBC?
Iain Akerman
With uncertainty surrounding the ownership of MBC and its relationship with the Choueiri Group, could this be the beginning of the end for the pan-Arab broadcaster?
- What is the most significant change you wish the ad industry makes in 2018?
- Nationalisation programmes in the Gulf : Nationality vs Meritocracy Iain Akerman
- PR agencies: an independent view…
- Jo Chemali on measuring the value of PR Iain Akerman
- ‘I get shivers when I hear or see her name’
- On PR measurement: the Ogilvy way
- Experience? Who needs that eh…
- The game has changed
- The Hunting Grounds Iain Akerman
- The Survival of the Fittest Era
- The Saudi market: a survival game
- Saudi Arabia: an Atmosphere of Optimism and Trust