Alex Maalouf on Taking influence too far?
As French prosecutors investigate whether Monsanto and its agencies breached French data privacy laws, will the fallout affect how the communications industry engages with select groups of people, asks Alex …Common Ground partners with Google to launch ‘Little by Little’, a global campaign in support of the Sustainable Development Goals
In a first of its kind collaboration between the advertising industry and Google in support of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted at the United Nations, the ‘Little by Little’ campaign …
The Rise of Micro-Influencers: Is Small the New Big? Christina Fakhry
Tony Abou Ghazaly on PR in the Age of Social Media Christina Fakhry
Cadillac’s ‘Arabs of New York’ campaign celebrates what it means to ‘Dare Greatly’ ArabAd taff
The Rising Tide of Influence Iain Akerman
Instagram, likes and glamour Iain Akerman
Puck encourages men to lend a helping hand to women during Ramadan ArabAd staff
Giving Bloggers Extra Love ArabAd staff