Down and out in Cannes Iain Akerman
An historic grand prix for Impact BBDO can’t hide the fact that this was the worst Cannes Lions in years for regional agenciesGeorges Kyrillos, A Creative Director Who’s Yet to Use His Swiss Knife
Georges Kyrillos has left Impact BBDO less than a year ago to join the creative ranks of TBWA\Raad in Beirut. ArabAd got up close and personal with the awarded Creative …
The ‘Thank You Russia’ Campaign Takes Lebanon by Surprise
Advertising Culture Club
Walid Kanaan: ‘We will keep pushing onward and upward’
Reda Raad: 'We are concentrating on what we can influence' Iain Akerman
Walid Kanaan: 'I have no patience for mediocrity'
Trends to look out for in 2019 by Remie Abdo, Head of Strategic Planning at TBWA/Raad
'The Sound of Shisha' Takes Smokers by Surprise: a social experiment by TBWARaad for AUBMC ArabAd staff
The Missing, a PR stunt by TBWA/Raad to raise awareness on International Human Rights Day
TBWA/RAAD creates two patriotic films with a message of hope
du’s “unusual” Halloween campaign