The ‘Summer of Sunsilk’ powered by JoeFish to make girls ‘shine strong’
Posted on 2024 Sep,01  | By ArabAd's staff

Summer took on a whole new vibe this year, with Joefish agency, who for the second year in a row, set out to reimagine the season with Sunsilk. 

To bring their vision to life, the creative force at Joefish teamed up with three local talents: Nourie Flayhan, a renowned talented illustrator, Elsa Kahwaji, a magnetic content creator, and Rita Samaha, an unstoppable dancer. Together, they ignited the "Summer of Sunsilk" experience, which also introduced the limited-edition must-have summer pouch.

To make things even more exciting and engage with the audience, a "Summer of Sunsilk" booth was set up, hitting some renowned beaches across the Lebanese coast over three weekends: Lazy B in Jiyyeh, the Sporting club in Beirut, and Soult Beach in Batroun. 

Beachgoers had the opportunity to play and win the stylish pouch packed with trendy summer goodies, enjoyed the braiding station, and adorned themselves with shimmery tattoos.

In parallel, Sunsilk summer film was making waves on social media, supported by a series of communications and influencer collaborations. 

The tagline of the campaign reminded everyone to “Shine Strong” so to keep positivity upswing and not let anyone dim one’s spark during such uncertain times.