Grey MENA wins Aqua Carpatica brief
Posted on 2017 Apr,25

Grey MENA has won the communication brief for natural mineral water brand Aqua Carpatica following a competitive three-month pitch process involving multiple agencies.

The agency has been tasked with orchestrating the Romania-based water bottler’s through-the-line communication, including its digital and social presence.

Commenting on the partnership, Nadim Khoury, Grey MENA’s chief executive, said: “At Grey, we are really excited to be partnering with one of the world’s leading natural mineral water brands, and we are truly looking forward to fuse our creative minds with the Aqua Carpatica team in order to plan, co-ordinate and execute a series of winning campaigns and initiatives that launch, present and anchor the brand’s core values in the minds of consumers across the Middle East.”

Jean Valvis, Aqua Carpatica’s founder and CEO, added: “After several months of digging deep, we are now confident that Grey is the right partner that can present our brand’s essence and deliver our message to our customers and stakeholders in the Middle East.”

Aqua Carpatica natural mineral water is sourced from the heart of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania.

