IAA Lebanon Chapter Elects New Board
Posted on 2017 May,26

The IAA- Lebanon chapter held an ordinary general assembly in the presence of its members, and elected a new board for a two-year mandate. The new executive committee includes:

President: Joe Ayache 

Vice President: Louis El Hage

General Secretary: Ghada El Khatib 

Treasurer: Liliane Maroun

Members: Nada Abi Saleh, Tania Rizk, Naji Irani, Joseph Sfeir, Georges Slim, Emile Tabanji, Emile Atallah

During the general assembly, the last board, which was headed by Naji Irani, presented the achievements of the chapter along with the financial report.

Once the results of the elections were revealed, the IAA members congratulated the new committee and the President who promised to work hard for the advancement of the industry. Ayache stated: “The upcoming period is tough and the advertising sector requires major efforts, especially at its legislation level,” before he invited all the IAA members to take part in the future sub-committees and projects.


