Manhal Nacouzi Joins ITS Communication
Posted on 2017 Mar,16

Communication consultant, Manhal Nacouzi has joined the young yet promising Beirut-based communications agency ITS; he took on his role as COO March 1.

An Economics graduate, Nacouzi held for 25 years key positions at numerous local and regional communication groups including Rizk Advertising & Associates, MENACOM Group (Team/Y&R, MEC and Asdaa), and M&C Saatchi Group (VMS, Comtrax and Firehorse Films), working on a portfolio of Lebanese and Pan Arab clients. At the beginning of his career, Nacouzi had also worked for eight years at Khalil Fattal & Fils as well as at MTV media house ESPACES.

Prior to joining ITS, Nacouzi worked for two years on ad-hoc jobs as an independent communication advisor.

In a nutshell, ITS a business collaboration worth keeping an eye on.

