Mindshare’s Hana Kaddaha Khatib to head GroupM Lebanon
Posted on 2018 Apr,04

GroupM, the global media investment management group and parent company to WPP media agencies Mindshare, Wavemaker, MediaCom, and BPG Maxus has announced a change to their management structure in Lebanon.

Hana Kaddaha Khatib, current Regional Managing Director of Mindshare Levant & Egypt, will be leading operations for the group as Managing Director for GroupM Lebanon, championing Mindshare, MediaCom and Wavemaker in the market.

With Mindshare since 2000, Hana has held several management roles across the Levant region. During Hana’s career with Mindshare Lebanon, the agency exhibited steady growth in size, profitability and fame; She led her team to win more than 25 awards celebrating media creativity in renowned events such as Campaign ME, Media Cristal, Effie Awards and Festival of Media.

In 2009, Hana was nominated the managing Director of year, celebrating her success launching the Mindshare office in Jordan.

Prior to entering the world of marketing in 1995, Hana graduated from Business School at the American University of Beirut (AUB) with a Bachelor degree in Business Administration.

She is currently an elected board member of the Lebanese Advertising Association and a member of the Lebanese media research committee. 

Hana commented: “I am humbled with the trust and confidence in my abilities to assume the GroupM leadership role in Lebanon. I can’t wait to deploy the global and regional learnings to bring growth opportunities to GroupM agencies, clients, employees and equally to our key media suppliers.

GroupM’s investments in data, technology; and above all in our people will help us achieve our ambitions in Lebanon. I am very excited to be a part of it.”

