Mustapha Assad Honored by the Board Pioneers of Lebanon as the most prominent pioneer personality in the ad industry
Posted on 2018 Feb,26

The ‘Information Lebanese Corporation – Board Pioneers of Lebanon’ honored Mustapha Assad, the Chief Executive Officer of PR firm Front Page Communication, as the most prominent pioneer and achieving personality that contributed to the evolution and growth of the advertising industry, making the field a source of inspiration to many and all.

The honoring ceremony was attended by the firm’s Chairman Camille Menassa, its Chief Managing Officer Georges El Assad, its Chief Public Relations Officer Hervé Piglowski, along with Mounir Assad, Carla Sader, Farah Hijab, and Shereen Sabbah El Far, in addition to a group of communications experts and friends.

The honoring party’s Media Coordinator, Mariam Beydoun, delivered a word saying, “We recognize in advance that it’s not easy at all to get to know the various aspects of our honoree’s genius and his personality traits. Every time we read into Mustapha Assad’s career, we discover a new secret behind the success of this inspiring Lebanese figure who is considered one of the most prominent pioneers of the Advertising industry, and one who has made a marked difference in our times.”

Beydoun added, “What Mr. Assad has assembled in the book ‘Play It Again’ (translated to Arabic as ‘Hatiha Baad’) which was issued by Dar Annahar, tells of his life experience and of his wide exposure, in addition to his knowledge and passion for the advertising profession. For the book recounts the story of the evolution of the advertising industry in our region and the competitive forces that forged it. It also provides a lesson in building a team, which developed the foundations of the profession under tough war conditions. The book also relates how our honoree took his company from being a local agency to becoming an international network operational on three continents, owing to his work and experience in important posts in the field of communications.”

Beydoun closed by saying, “Mustapha Assad is the sum of several creative persons in one, and he raises Lebanon’s name high wherever he goes, bringing back to his country its civilized and pioneering facets, both in the region and worldwide.”

Then Beydoun followed with the statement issued by the board of “Pioneers of Lebanon” which read, “After the conclusion of an exceptional board session presided by the scholar Dr. Michel Keedi, and attended by members of the Board of Trustees: The Secretary General of the UNESCO Lebanese National Committee Professor Zahida Darwiche Jabbour, the founder of ESOL EDUCATION the international educator Walid Abou-Chakra, and the Researcher-Historian Moufida Abed, it was unanimously decided to confer upon Mr. Mustapha Assad the Pioneers Shield on full and deserved merit, as being the most distinguished personality in importance, ambition, hard work, and visionary look in his field.”

Mustapha Assad thus joins the list of the most prominent scientific and national figures who were so far honored, and whose contribution to their country continues to this day.

It’s worth mentioning that ‘Board Pioneers of Lebanon’ awarded the Pioneers Shield to personalities of the most important and influential character, including the Head of the Bar Association Prince Samir Abillama, the Consul of the Republic of Congo HE George Fernaini, the novelist Ahlam Mustaghanmi, Rabab Al-Sadr Charafeddine, the iPod inventor the Lebanese Tony Fadel, and Attorney Aziz Torbey.

