OgilvyOne MENA Reinforces Relationship with Unilever
Posted on 2016 Mar,06

Unilever has aligned with OgilvyOne and Geometry Global to manage its digital and activation plans in the Gulf for three of its prominent brands: Dove, Rexona, and Signal.

The combined team of both agencies will lead the brands’ 2016 digital plans, developing their strategies and content, as well as executing their campaigns across all digital and on ground channels.

Following the appointment, Nabil Moutran, Regional Director of OgilvyOne MENA commented: “Ogilvy enjoys a longstanding relationship with Unilever around the world. For us to have the opportunity to further build on that partnership on brands such as Dove, Rexona, and Signal is a tremendous achievement and honour”.

Embracing a cohesive account management approach to ensure a consistent view of Unilever’s three brands within the two agencies, OgilvyOne and Geometry Global built a consolidated team running by one account structure with a single point of contact. 

Indeed, as Nick Walsh, General Manager of Geometry Global in the UAE, noted, the collaborative approach adopted by both agencies was a massive contributing factor to the win. “We will continue working closely with our colleagues at OgilvyOne to offer Unilever brands effective experiential and digital marketing services across all touch-points”. 

