Publicis Groupe Middle East announces CFO and CTO roles
Posted on 2018 Jul,29

As part of the Groupe’s Power of One strategy, and under Raja Trad’s leadership, two new appointments were recently made at an executive level in the Middle East.

Bassel Kakish has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer in the Middle East for Publicis Groupe. Bassel started his career at Arthur Andersen, then joined Publicis Groupe in 2002 and had several financial positions in the region among which Group Finance Director of Publicis Communications MEA and CFO of Publicis.Sapient MEA. In his role, Bassel will oversee the finance function across the region and solution hubs.  

Bashar Abdulkarim Chief Talent Officer of Publicis Media, is promoted to Chief Talent Officer Publicis Groupe Middle East. Bashar is an industry and Publicis veteran, with experience spanning across creative and media solutions, before transitioning in 2011, to the Talent and change management space, setting up Talent and Transformation in MENA, and driving successful strategies for organizational effectiveness. In his role, Bashar will drive the Groupe’s transformation agenda, and focus on fortifying the best in class Talent function in the region.  

