The Zouk Ecological Gathering
Posted on 2019 Sep,17

A reunion for conscious students, responsible companies, active ecological movements and other dreamers is set to take place this weekend in Zouk, Lebanon, as this date, September 21, marks the annual start of Earth Week, and the Zouk Ecological Gathering (ZEG) for Lebanon.

This ecological reunion at la Maison Artisanale of the Zouk Mikael municipality will be an open-door Upcycling art exhibition of the sculptures and art pieces of  Nayla Maalouf, as well as a hotspot for eco-friendly charms such as artisanal work or even full on companies demonstrating their eco-responsible behavior. A completely free experience was put together by the Lebanese ecological movement, The Eco Show and its team composed by Lesther Guillemin, Firaas Antar, Alexandre Boueri, Joseph El Chakhtoura, Christelle El Jammal and Julia Haddad.
The event advertised at the campus of AUB, USJ, at the Lycee Nahr Ibrahim, at the Zouk Mikael municipality and its surroundings will consist of 3 major attractions. The first one will be the Upcycling art exhibition of Nayla Maalouf, which more than adding to the esthetic of the event has in its core a message of hope against the current ecological crisis on earth. Another reason to attend the ZEG is curiosity. Indeed, the event will be filled with eccentric eco-concepts, companies expressing their expertise on ecology and activists passionate about what it is they are doing to contribute to the betterment of the environment in Lebanon. Finally, for pure entertainment a multitude of eco, artisanal shops are here to keep you surprised about the things you might not know existed in your country.

