Ads of the Week
- Memac Ogilvy and Dove launch an empowering campaign that carries the beauty brand’s Self Esteem Project
Memac Ogilvy and Dove partner to encourage a positive relationship with beauty following a research commissioned by Dove in Saudi Arabia that found that 73% of girls feel pressured to conform …
- Orange offers gamers the possibility to wear their African & Middle Eastern culture with #MaxYourIdentity
ArabAd's staff
Orange and Publicis Conseil launched 'Cultural Avatars #MaxYourIdentity', so the gamers who want to represent their skins from their various regions can proudly wear their traditional outfits from Africa and …
- A cheerful campaign by Memac Ogilvy for Al-Futtaim IKEA’s new eco-friendly toy collection
- Wonderful campaign by Impact BBDO designed to bring a new light of hope for Arabian Leopards
- Tide’s ‘Brightening Billboards’ illuminate Beirut ArabAd's staff
- New global campaign wants to ‘correct the internet’ and make sportswomen more visible
- An exquisite new campaign from Publicis Luxe for Cartier with Rami Malek, Catherine Deneuve and Guy Ritchie ArabAd's staff
- BMW 7 series' ‘Forwardism’ campaign by Serviceplan Middle East signals new era of automotive excellence ArabAd's staff
- MullenLowe MENA promotes the Roxy Xtreme Cinema experience in remarkable print campaign ArabAd's staff
- Steve and World Vision show the unseeable in striking call for donations campaign ArabAd's staff
- Hardee’s ‿ and us roll out ‘UnAimaginable’ campaign ArabAd's staff
- Home Centre launches a meaningful initiative, 'The Homecoming', through a moving short film ArabAd's staff
- Publicis Groupe’s annual wishes film puts the spotlight on HPV-related cancer
- inDrive shows in new global campaign its ability to eliminate drivers and passengers’ frustrations ArabAd's staff