Gerety winners 2022 announced
A captivating DOOH innovation brought by du and Havas ME ArabAd's staff
Impact BBDO scoops three Grand Prix at MAD STARS 2022 ArabAd's staff
Cannes Lions 2022: recap on a grand win for the Middle East Iain Akerman
The Middle East scores great at Cannes Lions 2022, takes its tally to 21 ArabAd's staff
Rishi Talwalker named Strategy & Growth Communications Director of Red Havas Middle East
Adidas’ Run for The Oceans innovative 3D billboard illustrates the threat of plastic pollution in our oceans ArabAd's staff
Communications veteran Alejandro Fischer joins Havas Middle East as SVP - Strategy & Product Innovation
D&AD 2022 Awards: Impact BBDO wins coveted yellow Pencil ArabAd's staff
First batch of 2022 D&AD Award Winners Revealed - Havas ME scoops 3 pencils