Chevrolet Arabia launches a Hashtag Campaign Addressed to Saudi Women ArabAd staff
Launched ahead of the International Women’s Day, Chevrolet Arabia is very much in the moment with its latest hashtag campaign #UpToMe, designed to pay tribute to Saudi Arabian women.Seven Resolutions Social Media Marketers Wish They Could Keep in 2018 Christina Fakhry
As digital agencies make their first creative steps into another promising year of hard work, online/offline drama and sizzling brainstorms, here’s a fictional list of wildly unapologetic resolutions every social …
2018 Social Media Trend Forecast: What Should Marketers Capitalize on This Year? Christina Fakhry
Facebook celebrates communities and creativity in MENA
The Rise of Micro-Influencers: Is Small the New Big? Christina Fakhry
Tony Abou Ghazaly on PR in the Age of Social Media Christina Fakhry
Zain’s Ramadan ad continues to stir controversy Ghada Azzi
The Rising Tide of Influence Iain Akerman
Instagram, likes and glamour Iain Akerman
Let’s talk about content Iain Akerman
The Full Digital Journey Triangle's Way
Puck encourages men to lend a helping hand to women during Ramadan ArabAd staff