Zain’s Ramadan ad continues to stir controversy Ghada Azzi
Has Zain’s message of love and understanding been undermined by controversy?The Rising Tide of Influence Iain Akerman
Instead of reducing in importance, social media influencers are increasing in number as brands invest heavily in influencer marketing. But are a lack of transparency and limitations surrounding effectiveness and …
Instagram, likes and glamour Iain Akerman
Let’s talk about content Iain Akerman
The Full Digital Journey Triangle's Way
Puck encourages men to lend a helping hand to women during Ramadan ArabAd staff
Zain under fire for Ramadan ad Iain Akerman
2018 Marcom Trends
The 'Man sitting next to you’... Gone in sixty seconds Iain Akerman
Four Social Media Trends to Look Forward to in 2017 Christina Fakhry
Dubai-Based Ad Agencies on Twitter: Our Top Picks Christina Fakhry
Dubai-Based Comms Agencies on Instagram: Our Top Picks Christina Fakhry