The Dark Side of Working as an Experienced Creative in an Advertising Agency Richard Halabi
Many think that working as a creative director is an amazing career path to take, a dream job for most… But Richard Halabi, a multidisciplinary media creative with more than …Who audits the auditor? Iain Akerman
As the thirst for media audits increases, how can the industry ensure that global standards of best practice are upheld and unethical behaviour is weeded out?
Elie Khouri, CEO of Omnicom Media Group MENA, Questions Regional Adspend Figures Released by Ipsos Iain Akerman
The International Advertising Association Unveils New Identity on its 80th Anniversary
Flourish or perish: how will you transform your business? A viewpoint by Elda Choucair, CEO PHD MENA
Media Transparency in Murky Waters Iain Akerman
Time's Up join forces with the advertising industry to combat sexual harassment
CEOs' Takeaways on Agency of the future from Ad Pulse Panel Talk Ghada Azzi
Nationalisation programmes in the Gulf : Nationality vs Meritocracy Iain Akerman
A taxing time for the advertising industry Iain Akerman
What is the most significant change you wish the ad industry makes in 2018?
Sexual harassment in the Middle East Ad industry: Breaking the Silence Iain Akerman