Sid Lee Paris and KFC Pay Tribute to Kimye ArabAd staff
Here's an activation that Paris-based agency Sid Lee Paris put together in swift reaction to a video Kim Kardashian shared of her and Kanye West at a Parisian KFC. As KFC …McDonald’s parody post turned into a fashion movement ArabAd staff
Alexander Wang designed a bag that looks identical to McDonald’s iconic paper take-out bags.
Caroline Drucker on how to effectively use Instagram to master the art of storytelling
Oleksandra Zahran: 'Digital activism is on the rise like never before in Lebanon' Christina Fakhry
Gino Raidy: 'Instagram has been awesome and to me the role it’s playing is undeniable' Christina Fakhry
Chloé Khattar: 'The future of digital activism in Lebanon is particularly promising' Christina Fakhry
How Art and Design Gave the Revolution Its Icons Iain Akerman
Najib Sabbagh shines a Mirrorr on the social media market Iain Akerman
10 Lebanese-Born Agencies to Follow on Instagram Christina Fakhry
Top Ten Lebanese Creatives to Follow on Instagram Christina Fakhry
Instagram, likes and glamour Iain Akerman
The Story and Life of Farah, One Tap at a Time ArabAd staff