Saudi Arabia snapchatters invited to design the next Garnier green tote bag
An unstoppable force: Why influencer marketing will dominate the future of MarCom Marwa Kaabour
'Harnessing the power of social media influencers to promote products and services has already made a significant impact on the way businesses communicate with consumers. As we peer into the …
New study shows the impact of emotional resonance on consumer behavior
Child Welfare Organization demands clear AI labeling is applied on content
TikTok drives impact for Mondelez in Saudi Arabia
TikTok unveils its Gaming Trend Report 2023 for METAP
TikTok redefines the entertainment landscape through gaming
TikTok users set to hit 955 million users globally by 2025
Ford enters TiKTok territory driving success with new campaign
Snapchat’s virtual mall demonstrates the growing appetite for immersive retail experiences
Lexus’ Saudi space expedition online coverage gains impressive views
Snapchat and Disney in a groundbreaking collab that illustrates how AR can enhance storytelling