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Hani Haddad: Live Happily and Enjoy the Moment
ArabAd’s 30-second rocket speed questionnaire has Hani Haddad, Chairman and CEO of Spirit Advertising, in its sight, as he explains the joys of being his own person!Zalfa Bouez: "Always Ready to Help"
Born in Zahle and mother of four, Zalfa Bouez, at an early age, was interested in music, culture and social development. Married to former Minister of Foreign Affairs and the …
Sami Saab: "I Am from Clementown"
Paul Sabbagh: The Here & Now
Paul Dodds: "I Refuse to Give up"
Christian Djermakian: Have a Short Memory
Maurice Levy: “Wanted to be a Surgeon, but...”
Malek Maktabi: Passion Has Led the Way
Camille Haddad: Direct Replies from a Direct Man
Karim Tabet: Being true to oneself
Ahmad Salman: a Lucky Guy