Former Primesight MD Naren Patel joins OOH Capital ArabAd's staff
Moleskine's Anna Meneguzzo set to speak at WOO Europe Forum ArabAd's staff
WOO European Regional Forum speakers' lineup locked ArabAd's staff
Sagesse Sports Club X The MediaVantage: groundbreaking sponsorship deal ArabAd's staff
Kai-Marcus Thäsler at WOO Milan on smart cities' potential to be giant social media networks ArabAd's staff
Dino Burbidge to explore OOH effective creative at WOO Milan Forum ArabAd's staff
OOH hits $41.9 billion USD, 5.2% of global adex, as per WOO Global Expenditure survey
WOO to hold its first in-person European regional Forum in Milan
First member from Saudi Arabia joins WOO
WOO awards announced at Hong Kong Global Congress