AppsFlyer rolls out Privacy Sandbox on Android
WARC highlights e-commerce trends in 'The Future of Digital Commerce' 2024 report
Retail media advertising spend is forecast to reach $153.3bn worldwide in 2024, according to WARC’s latest analysis. The continued growth is fuelled by advances in off-site targeting as commerce data …
WARC projects a 10.5% rise in global spend this year topping $1trn for first time
CMOs more empowered than ever finds Dentsu Creative 2024 CMO report
Snapchat partners with ROI Hunter to supercharge retailers’ performance
‘I Wish I Could’ Roger Halaby, Hanging Gardens
WARC Consumer Trends report 2024: Five trends to watch
MG Motor named 'Official Automotive Partner' for Arsenal ArabAd's staff
Deliveroo’s ‘Euro Munch Match’ by ‿ and us, a classic example of moment marketing ArabAd's staff
People want to follow people, not faceless brands Svenja Malzahn, Sumea Social
General Motors MEA appoints new CMO ArabAd's staff
How AI is Changing the Marketing and Advertising Industry—for Better or Worse Ghassan Younis